More About the Mound
About The Site
Gingin is located 70km north of Perth, Western Australia and experiences a Mediterranean climate with warm, dry summers and mild winters. The site’s proximity to the Gnangara mound and being within native banksia bushland was the basis for choosing the location as a monitoring site. The TERN tower is able to collect information on carbon dioxide, temperature, soil moisture and groundwater levels.
Our Team
Our team is made up of 14 Master of Environmental Engineering students from the University of Western Australia. The cohort's diverse skill set has enable the production of an informative and analytical platform. We have worked closely with TERN representative, Richard Silberstein to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the data and its meaning. The team has produced the platform with the ability for future updates. This ensures that there is the possibility for additional stories to be incorporated into the platform.
Our Aim
Our aim is to provide an interactive and informative platform that provides users with the opportunity to discover the importance of recharge in the Gingin region as well as to explore the data from the site in a self guided approach. The TERN data is collected in a raw format and is difficult to interpret. Our team has analysed and manipulated the data so it can be easily understood by users in an interactive format. This will ensure thorough understanding of the environmental systems at play in Gingin, particularly with emphasis on recharge.
Gingin Site Concept Interview
Data presented on this website were collected at the Gingin TERN OzFlux site. The collection of these data was supported by the Australian Government via the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS), through the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network (TERN) OzFlux and Ecosystem Processes program; by the Western Australian State Government; by Edith Cowan University and the University of Western Australia. Additional data were obtained from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology (Gingin Station).